
What do Twitter, Youtube, and Robert Gibbs Have in Common? First Question.

In light of this week being the one year anniversary of the Open Government Directive, I wanted to highlight one of my favorite uses of social media in government. I’ve touched on the White House’s open government efforts in a previous post of mine, but I wanted to give some praise to “First Question,” aRead… Read more »

New Surgeon General’s Report on Tobacco Use Released

Surgeon General’s Report provides new details about nicotine addiction and the harmful effects of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke. On December 9, 2010, the Surgeon General, in collaboration with CDC, released How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General. This report describes inRead… Read more »

How times have changed in the life of a local government communicator

Times have definitely changed in the life of a local government communications professional. Ten years ago, I held this position for a city of 70,000 residents and my options for reaching citizens were much more limited than for someone in a similar job today. Back then, I essentially had to rely on the bi-monthly cityRead… Read more »

Acquisition Reforms Will Focus on Oversight

As the lame duck session of the 111th Congress comes to a close, some in the acquisition community are left to wonder what lays ahead for the acquisition reform initiatives of the Obama Administration. According to many experts, the shift in political power may not make much difference for the IT and procurement communities. IRead… Read more »

Social Scoring Is Here…Like It Or Not

There has been quite a bit of noise around services measuring a users influence and overall impact within the social media space. Services such as Klout and SocialSprout, both of which I use, keep track of a users reach & influence within a network. While these ranking are extremely interesting (and I promise, you WILLRead… Read more »

Community Building: Interview a Rockstar

John Moore’s post: Please Stop Telling Me How Great You Are spurred some great conversation on GovLoop today. You should read the whole post, but if you only have a few seconds, here’s the jist: “too many people look at social media as a tool to blast out messages and fail to understand that theseRead… Read more »

Happy Birthday, Open Government Directive

To mark the one-year anniversary of the Open Government Directive (OGD), Patrice McDermott, Director of, and Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Founder and President of AmericaSpeaks, penned a piece cross-posted on Government Executive ( and NextGov ( highlighting the successes of the OGD to date and recommending “next steps” for the Administration to take to make governmentRead… Read more »

VIDEO: Open Gov Directive Anniversary Q&A with White House

In case you missed the Open Government Directive One-Year Anniversary LIVE today, here’s the video: What do you think? Was this a helpful 30 minutes or should it have been longer? Did they answer tough questions? Did they answer YOUR questions? Should this kind of live engagement happen more often? Sound off below. Favorite

Australia is the second largest government user of Yammer – over 110 active networks

There’s recently been some controversy in Australian government over the use of Yammer, a private and secure enterprise social network, which I discussed in my post, The ongoing struggles to balance IT security and staff empowerment. I asked Simon Spencer, Yammer’s newly appointed Asia-Pacific General Manager, how many government agencies in Australia were using Yammer.Read… Read more »