
What do 100 MPAs Think about Government

I was honored to spend the last 2 days at Syracuse University with MPA and PhD students in Public Administration, IT, and Public Diplomacy. I had two lunches, 1 dinner, 2 coffee breaks with specific small groups of students, a career talk to 30 students, and a presentation to 100 students about Gov 2.0. IRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 3, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Last week, I wrote about Michael Agger’s article, “How should we use data to improve our lives?” He’s since collected a host of interesting suggestions, and you should check it out and even add your own. American Libraries presents 11 trends for 2011, including quite a few that are relevant for the GovRead… Read more »

The Open Innovation Festival is not an event, it is a fundamental change in thinking

“Predominantly… because of the internet an enormous shift has taken place in society. Everybody can get to knowledge”. Martijn Aslander speaks about Accessibility to knowledge in the network economy and a new world of work for the government. ”I want to move things. Paper does not move people.” The past five days of Open InnovationRead… Read more »

eGov2.0 conference in Russia

On November 26 we had the first e-government conference taken in Moscow. This is the first event which is case-study based, the best practices were demonstrated there. The total number of participants: 273 persons, 80% are authorities’ officials and 20% are experts. There were 52 reports made on the next subjects: Providing of electronic publicRead… Read more »

Open Gov and Gov 2.0 are Just Part of a Bigger Movement

This is in response to Lucas Cioffi’s question on whether there is a difference between Gov 2.0 and Open Gov. I wrote a short response to his blog posting but I wanted to expand on my answer because I believe that there is a bigger movement than just Open Gov or Gov 2.0. This biggerRead… Read more »