
Overcoming Security and Productivity Issues – CDW-G Survey on Teleworking

There’s been a lot of discussion on teleworking since the passing of the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 earlier this month, but a survey from CDW-G and HP indicates that teleworking is already a big part of many of our lives. I recently posted this blog at FedScoop about the results of the survey. AsRead… Read more »

Why the White House Belongs at the Top of the Digital IQ Rankings

While gazing at the Public Sector Digital IQ Rankings, I was happy to see that the White House was ranked No. 2. The rankings commented that “From open-sourced contests to balance the budget to weekly presidential addresses on YouTube, the White House leads by example.” I couldn’t agree more. I was very impressed when IRead… Read more »

Supporters Rock-Deloitte Announces Winners of 2010 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA

Each year, Deloitte recognizes the fastest growing companies in the technology realm through the Technology Fast 500 EMEA program. 500 movers and shakers are ranked each year and the 2010 list was announced this past week. Winners were announced at a prestigious awards ceremony held in London. The top five fastest growing companies in theRead… Read more »

Govies Show Sacrifice: It’s OK, Freeze My Pay

Today President Obama announced a federal pay freeze for Federal employees. If you haven’t heard, here’s all the details from our friends at the Washington Post: Obama announces two-year pay freeze for federal workers Of course, GovLooper Candace Riddle has already posted a forum about inviting you to: SOUND OFF: Your Thoughts on the FederalRead… Read more »

Three Thoughts As I Deck the Halls

I’ve been neglecting this blog. Too busy with holiday doings. So before I forget them, here are three quick thoughts that might deserve longer pieces…after the holidays. 1. Dashboards I’m beginning to wonder about the wisdom of all these performance “dashboards.” I understand that, in the spirit of open government, it’s good to have someRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Microsoft Federal Apps Contest

GovLoop is proud to have Microsoft as one of its 2010 Premiere Partners. This week, we’re highlighting their new Federal Apps Contest. You can learn more below from our interview with Michael Meldeau, Microsoft’s Federal Marketing Manager. 1. Can you provide a brief overview of the project?Meldeau: Microsoft Federal has created an exciting new applicationRead… Read more »