
A productivity winner: Gist for gmail

I have been a big fan of Gist for a number of months but I have honestly struggled with fitting it into my working style. Unfortunately, many tools like Gist want you to adapt to them, not the other way around. I think, however, Gist for Gmail may finally solve this problem. Aliza Sherman alreadyRead… Read more »

CB2: What TSA Can Learn From the Simpsons

Chris Bennett’s Crisis Blog (CB2) Part 1 of 2 on the TSA Debate The TSA pat-down situation is making national and GovLoop headlines this week as images of naked body scans and videos of screaming children being frisked circulate through millions of travelers and non-travelers alike. In today’s CB2 I’ll propose a partial solution toRead… Read more »

Spider-Man, Public Servant? It’s a comic book promoting a city service!

To quote the blurb: The Webslinger takes to the New York Daily News and Marvel App to promote public employment services! Features a very commanding Mayor Bloomberg, who’s already tweeted about it. It appears as an insert in today’s Daily News, or it can be downloaded via an iTunes app. More here.

Web Analytics Assocation Web Analytics Outlook Survey 2011

The web analytics industry is changing so rapidly, it’s hard to keep up on what’s current, much less predict that the future holds. For the last 4 years, we’ve been surveying the web analytics community on where the industry is going. The WAA Outlook Survey 2011 helps us better understand the challenges faced by webRead… Read more »

Facebook’s move increases emails relevance in social communication

Facebook Messages Kills Email? Think again. Facebook’s new “Messages” service was apparently called a “Gmail killer” internally at the company. Some analysts have pronounced email dead. That’s interesting and pretty naive. Instant messaging already killed email, then RSS killed it, then SMS, then Twitter, and now, finally, Facebook has killed it. Email is the mostRead… Read more »

The dangers of mandating open government data

Relax…. We need open government data. It creates jobs and will result in operational efficiencies, reducing the cost of running government. Honestly, however, we have yet to truly demonstrate measurable cost savings through open data but I believe we will over the course of the next 12 – 18 months. As you probably know, SanRead… Read more »

Putting Virtual “Boots on the Ground” – Law Enforcement Gets Intelligence on Demand

The blog entry below contains excerpts from ‘Putting Virtual “Boots on the Ground” – Law Enforcement Gets Intelligence on Demand,’ originally written by Caron Beesley, editor of [acronym] Online. [acronym] Online is a blog dedicated to those in the public sector working within the 2D and 3D digital design, GIS, architecture and engineering disciplines. AsRead… Read more »