
Activating Your Social Media Second Team

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Who gives that big social media presentation if you can’t make it? If you get pulled into another big project and can’t take on that client meeting, who do you send in your place? If you’re on vacation, who picks up where you leftRead… Read more »

Setting an Open Government Standard?

Local, state, and federal Freedom of Information and Open Meeting laws govern the public’s right to know what’s going on in their government. These statutes don’t often make mainstream media headlines; however, the effects of them are far-reaching. As technology advances, governments need to keep their websites up-to-date with the latest tools for transparency, thisRead… Read more »


I am working on an e-Government workshop for the University of Illinois at Chicago. I would like to feature examples of smaller communities that have converted to the cloud. Can you point me to any?

7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: 7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media Wait! Don’t hire that college intern for your social media needs… not just yet, at least. First: Stop, and reflect on the following questions: What do I know about their use of social media? Sure, theyRead… Read more »

DreamWork’s “Megamind” Uses HP Technology

This weekend I saw DreamWork’s latest film, “Megamind.” This extremely funny movie contains an all-star cast including Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, and Tina Fey. Today, I stumbled up some interesting information about this film. DreamWorks Animation released “Megamind” in 3-D CG after migrating to HP Networking solutions. After their testing of HP’s A-series core dataRead… Read more »

If you plan to launch a Government website in 2011 – You should attend…

Drupal continues to gain considerable momentum for large scale .GOV, .MIL and .ORG websites over the past 12 months with high profile launches such as Whitehouse.Gov, Commerce.Gov, Ed.Gov, – and many others that are not necessarily public knowledge yet. Come learn this Thursday at the Ritz Carlton in Washington how other business leaders areRead… Read more »

The Technology and the Fear – How to Move Forward with Document Management When Technology is Always Moving

I remember when I settled on my document management software choice. The happiness I felt in finding a solution that could solve our problems was replaced by fear. It was the biggest single investment in technology that my agency had ever made and the decision was left up to me. What if I picked theRead… Read more »