
Since you put it that way… Making sense of making a decision about the cloud.

In my opinion, the cloud provides the most cost effective, innovative, efficient, reliable and secure method of providing specific core IT services to business and organizations. Most people out there, or at least those people in IT, already know about the cloud, and most of us have our own thoughts and perceptions about what itRead… Read more »

Help ID new GovTwits after 2010 elections

Americans take to the polls November 2nd, and regardless of the political party results, one thing’s for certain: there will be newly elected officials who won’t be listed in GovTwit. That’s where you can help. If you know or learn of a new governor, senator, representative or any elected official who is on Twitter, pleaseRead… Read more »

Election 2010 Action Plan

Alright everyone, tomorrow is mid-term election day in the United States. Assuming that you are registered and ready to vote here is what I am asking you to do: Join me on Foursquare. Yes, you know how I feel about Foursquare…. However, they are launching an outstanding application tomorrow that highlights all of your FoursquareRead… Read more »

Welcoming Citizen 2.0 into Your Agency

Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about the other half of Gov 2.0: Citizen 2.0. My goal has been twofold: first, to help citizens understand that engaging government isn’t all-or-nothing. Citizens can participate in meaningful ways both from home and outside it. They can work in and for their community by themselves and asRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter 10/29

Research 1. Strengthening agencies customer service efforts (10/27/2010) – GAO surveyed 13 government services within major agencies and found each had established customer service standards. Although the standards exist, many were not made available to the public or were difficult to find. 2. Innovation doesn’t happen by accident (07/2010) – Center for American ProgressRead… Read more »

The Goal of Collaboration: Navigating the Network of Idea Spaces

Take a moment and look around your personal office space. Now look at your computer and notice what your desktop icons are and what programs you have open. According to Richard Ogle, the books, documents, computer programs, and other work aids are parts of our extended mind. We create documents, spreadsheets, whatever to offload ourRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Peace Corps Pressing Toward 10,000 Volunteers

At their apex, Peace Corps volunteers totaled 9,000 back in 1970. Ed O’Keefe of the Washington Post reports that the number of volunteers is now 8,655 – that’s nearly one thousand more than a year ago and hopefully moving toward its goal of 10,000 per year: Peace Corps volunteer totals reach 40-year high According toRead… Read more »

Stop Learning the Hard Way, Part 1

A couple weeks ago, my seven-month old son started having all the tell-tale signs of teething. So what did my wife and I do as first-time parents faced with a fussy infant? Well, we felt like we had a few options: Look it up in one of the 36 books we bought about babies. CallRead… Read more »