
Sharing the good news!

It’s interesting that with all the new technology, some things still stay the same – job fairs. Yes I know this is considered “old fashioned” and maybe even down right boring, but you have to look at the niche industries to see something a little different, like mine for instance. For those who don’t knowRead… Read more »

Data Visualization – What is it? Why is it Important?

At the Web Managers Conference last year there was a session called “How to tell Great Stories with your Data” – about why raw data isn’t enough and how to display information so it makes sense to people. It received a very high rating by attendees and we were asked (by many) to do aRead… Read more »

25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online! Are there More?

25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online & Other Links to more Distant Learning Sources. I am sure there are more out there. If you can’t affort an education, are there other ways to self educate? Can motivated, underserved persons benefit from such? How? Universities and other institutions of higher and further education are increasingly turningRead… Read more »

Organizational values

“Every organization is “values-driven.” The only question is, what values are in the driver’s seat? “ From Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0 blog …These sardonic portraits of the human condition resonate with us because they capture something deep and true. The mermaid-out-of-water speaks to the challenges of mutual accommodation that confront any couple in a long-termRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup (Week of October 15)

Open government changes things at the VA, GSA helps .gov and .mil agencies engage the public, civil servants show their communities the full extent of a day in the life of law enforcement officers, and AT&T offers a new encryption service for mobile calls, all in this week’s version of the Gov2.0 Roundup. –Can openRead… Read more »

PeerIndex, helping you understand your social capital

“PeerIndex helps you understand and benefit from your social and reputation capital online”, that is the claim made on the web site. In my opinion PeerIndex does takes the broadest look at an individual by analyzing a person’s profiles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and includes their blogs. While no formula is perfect, and PeerIndex, whichRead… Read more »

“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” is Broken Yesterday, like every Thursday was #lrnchat, a weekly public Twitter chat I help moderate that focuses on organizational learning. The topic was on “Tools of the Trade” and the group of 100 (more or less) professionals ran through a number of topical questions related to how we find out about, select and replace toolsRead… Read more »

Complete references and links for Identity theft blog

Here are the references and links to additional resources that my have been left out of my post yesterday. Identity Theft Resources References Buell, D. & Sandhu, R. (2003). Identity management. IEEE Computer Society, 1-3. Milne, G. R. (2003). How well do consumers protect themselves from identity theft? The Journal of Consumer Affairs, (37)Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: October 15, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Salon interviews Steven Johnson, the author of “Where Good Ideas Come From,” who argues that what we need to focus on is making incremental changes rather than trying to achieve singular epiphanies or game-changing brakthroughs. Great advice for career govvies! Mashable explores the difference between facebook and twitter, saying that the former isRead… Read more »