
Predictive Policing and the Role of GIS

This blog was originally posted at – a blog for AEC, GIS, and public sector digital design professionals. A recent article in the Los Angeles Times, Stopping Crime Before it Starts, explores the practice that sophisticated analysis of data can sometimes tell law enforcement where criminals are headed. The notion, known as ‘predictive policing’Read… Read more »

FedTalks 2010 – A Speaker’s Perspective

A lot of news gets made about an event like the one that just happened yesterday in the Sidney Harmon Theater downtown DC. FedTalks by FedScoop featured some really high power speakers like Craig Newmark from Craig’s List, Arianna Huffington from the Huffington Post, Congressman Jim Moran, and others. The subject for the event “HowRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: EPA’s Children’s Health Month (October)

As many of you know, my wife and I had our first son back in March of this year. The guy is already crawling and chattering away…and he’s already picked up his first couple colds. So I installed a gate in our home this past weekend and we’re obviously looking for ways to minimize theRead… Read more »

‘Ning Everywhere’ Means More GovLoop for You

Ning, the social networking platform that power GovLoop and tens of thousands of other communities, is getting a big upgrade, and that means more ways to interact with friends and content from the government social network. In San Francisco on Tuesday night, Ning CEO Jason Rosenthal announced “Ning Everywhere,” a new API roll out thatRead… Read more »

CB2: Social Alerting With Influence

I’ve been going about alerting all wrong. I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert in the crisis alerting space, having built or deployed SMS, FM and satellite text and video notification systems in the past. I’ve also been fairly vocal on how their inherent limitations of cost, public adoption rate, and lack ofRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

ResearchSocial networks are most popular Gov 2.0 tool (09/2010) – Hewlett-Packard surveyed 103 executives from federal, state and local government agencies about their use of Web 2.0 Fifty-nine percent of respondents said they used social networking tools, followed by blogs, video, government-specific networks, podcasts, wikis, syndicated feeds, and virtual worlds. A community of fans,Read… Read more »