
Gourmet Web Experiences on a Fast Food Budget – Jared Spool at NAGW 2010

It’s been a great week! First, I participated in Manor.Govfresh – an incredible, move-the-needle, local government innovation showcase event. Now I am covering the 2010 National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) National Conference. The morning started with the pop of a champagne cork with Jared Spool presenting under the title “Cooking Up Gourmet Experiences onRead… Read more »

Getting crowdsourcing right

Steph has a great post about crowdsourcing in government: It’s human nature to want to work on your own projects, rather than those imposed upon you. It’s human nature to want to earn recognition, intellectual satisfaction and a good living from your work. So instead of asking civil servants to sift thousands of ideas andRead… Read more »

Technology, learning and knowledge

I had a good time up in Scotland last week, and enjoyed putting together and delivering my talk at the Learning Pool event we ran – which saw a great turnout. My discussion focused on the use of technology in a time of immense change and budget pressures, focusing on not just the use ofRead… Read more » Receives Substantial Grant

Google, Inc. has provided a grant of $2 million to Public.Resource.Org to fund the legal open government data project. The grant is given as part of Google’s Project 10^100. Click here for Carl Malamud’s announcement of the grant. Click here for more information about

Lessons from NAGW 2010

* cross-posted on I just got back from the wildly useful annual conference of the National Association of Government Webmasters in the architecturally beautiful City of St. Louis. Here’s a summary of my personal highlights from the conference. Keynote speaker web usability whiz Jared Spool offered an entertaining look at usability, including how educationalRead… Read more »

Raising the Dial Tone, Part 2.

(Part 1 is archived at Recently, Dennis McDonald offered that transparency and collaboration should be considered as efficiency measures in the Secretary of Defense’s initiatives. A sharp comment to this post responded by detailing the dire state of the federal procurement system, offering that the system is “completely broken, not superficially but structurally andRead… Read more »

Cancering – Better Thinking

Learning from history, I am often enlightened by how redefining a problem can lead to a relatively easy solution…even after years and years of fruitless work. John Battelle, a social media pioneer, pointed to an article redefining how we can think of cancer, featuring Danny Hillis, who has previously figured out some important things, likeRead… Read more »

“New Twitter” Kills Custom Backgrounds

If you are an agency, organization or individual that has made use of customized Twitter backgrounds to share contact info, expanded “about me,” Facebook URLs and more in the left-hand side of the profile page, then the roll out of “New Twitter” may leave you with some additional work to spruce up your page.Read… Read more »