
Do you need a social media strategy?

I alway enjoy reading Bill Ives posts on the FASTforward blog and today is no different. He asks the simple question, Is Social Media Tactical or Strategic?, and points to a post from a month ago about Social Media Strategy usage. The poll asked a very simple question to the readers, Does your company haveRead… Read more »

Diminishing the Disparity (Part 1) – Can Congressional Black Caucus Stimulate Solutions to Federal Contract Award Disparity?

The Congressional Black Caucus is meeting. Do you have a reason to care? Is there any tangible impact on your business, your life? If you don’t know, it’s time to find out. You’re in luck, OGTV and its partners are live and in person at the forums that shape policy and policy makers. With theRead… Read more »

A world where DVRs and social media collide

I didn’t want to know. I was behind on watching “America’s Got Talent”, but I had faithfully DVRed each episode. And then I went on Twitter last night… and that was my downfall. There it was… a tweet from TheDailyBlonde that simply read… “America’s Got Talent Winner Michael Grimm” followed by a link. I didn’tRead… Read more »

Toward A Federal Enterprise Architecture Board

A Federal Enterprise Architecture Board (FEAB) would provide “teeth” to further implementing enterprise architecture across government. We have a Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) that provides a government wide framework for architecture strategy and planning, but we do not have a FEA Board to govern the subsequent IT investments through capital planning and investment control (CPIC).Read… Read more »

What is the CityLife Mobile App?

This is a crosspost of: Connecting citizens to their local governments or communities can be tough. This is partly because people now expect to get their day-to-day information in a slick, quick format — from the Internet, and more recently, on their mobile devices. While most cities and towns provide websites to keep citizensRead… Read more »

What is Civil Society 2.0?

This is cross-posted from the Tech@State site Civil Society (CS) 2.0 is an effort by the US State Department to galvanize the technology community to be able to assist CS organizations across the globe by providing capabilities, resources and assistance to enable CS organizations to harness the latest ICT advances to build their digital capacity.Read… Read more »

A friend, of a friend, of a friend

This is a post originally appeared at I was part of an interesting information chain the other day and wanted to share it. No surprise to those of you that know me, I was walking the dogs and received an email on my phone from a colleague who was looking for a freelance contractorRead… Read more »

An Avatar Picture Worth 1,000 Friends

Do default avatar pictures bother you, or you still shrinking back from showing the world your pearly whites or using an agency logo on a consumer-oriented social media site? It’s often surprising how many new social media users fail to update their generic avatars when starting out. And failing to do so is likely toRead… Read more »