
Follow the $$$ Again?

“Follow the money,” the now iconic line from the Watergate scandal, urged reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward to follow the money trail to root out government corruption. But, just as Bernstein and Woodward discovered, following the government money trail can be incredibly difficult. The reason? Funds from different programs often overlap or are reportedRead… Read more »

Transforming IT Operations to Delivery Efficient Business Services

You know how you expect all your technology to work smoothly? Think about how annoyed you get when your apps won’t update or your email won’t sync fast enough. “We expect applications to be available all the time and the experience to be perfect,” said Craig Chapman, Sales Manager and Customer Champion of ServiceNow. TheseRead… Read more »

How Passion is a Key Ingredient to Balance

Nowadays, finding the balance with conventional and agile IT is what most agencies are aiming for. So, how do you create this balance? The federal government, specifically IT workers, are usually comfortable with traditional IT systems because they have been around for a while and they know how the system functions. And especially for thoseRead… Read more »