
Open Government vs Open source vs Open Standard vs Open Spec

Open Government, open source, open standards, open specifications. There is a huge amount of confusion and misunderstanding on what these terms mean when it comes to technology, and which products and tools fit into each category. Adobe System’s Dave McAlister, director of Open source and Standards, gives a great primer on what each term means,Read… Read more »

The Social Economy

Can I get an “Amen” that the economy is slightly askew? Are you spending time wondering what is going on? Here are some emerging patterns that might help. Daemon/Freedom™ is one story in two books about our economy if it was based on social rather than economic resources. It’s also a good shoot ’em up.Read… Read more »

Feedback loops: Measuring results is easier in the private sector

(Apologies to anyone outside the U.S. for this metaphor.) Imagine waking up one morning to attend a soccer game. You arrive a bit late and the game is already in progress. What you see is mind numbing. The players all have padded gear on, stop play every time their awkwardly shaped brown leather ball touchesRead… Read more »

Global Gov 2.0 – “Generation GovLoop” Provoking Profound Change? (France)

Originally posted on by Jean-Sebastian Stehli on August 12, 2010 A funny thing is occuring in the U.S., a silent revolution that no one has yet registered, but whose impact on American society will be felt for half a century to come. In the next four years, nearly 500,000 baby boomer employees will retire.Read… Read more »

NOAA Releases the “State of the Climate Report” for 2009

The weather sure has been hot lately. Want to get a good picture of the weather over the past year? Then get NOAA’s National Climate Data Center recently published report on the weather and climate occurring around the world in 2009. Because weather fascinates many of us and is experienced by all of us, theRead… Read more »

Webinar: Gov 2.0 Apps In Action

Join CivSource and Caspio for a free webinar to learn how the latest cloud-based technologies are enabling state and local agencies to publish databases and deploy interactive web applications on their websites without programming. Topics to be covered: * How cloud technology is used for a variety of Gov 2.0, open government, and e-gov apps.Read… Read more »

GCN: Exploit the cloud, but save your data

One of the big concerns government agencies have about cloud computing is the idea of their data being stored in the cloud, under the control of a third party. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has avoided that situation with a cloud platform that makes information and records available for search online without giving upRead… Read more »

CivSource: Gov apps get boost with cloud-based data publishing tool

A Florida health agency and a Texas-based Community College are both utilizing a simple and cost effective cloud-based solution to help them expand services, increase performance and better serve their constituents. Opening access to information, while reducing response time and personnel overhead, sits at the core of both their strategies.