
CitySandbox Launched: Q & A for Civic Action

Take a look at this new website called CitySandbox. It’s a way for community members to share and publicize issues they face in the community, and work towards finding solutions. There is a good write up about the site here and below I added some of the FAQ’s from the CitySandbox website. This looks a cool way to get people engaged with local issues. There is even a gaming element, as citizens can earn points based on how much they engage with CitySandbox.

From CitySandbox website:

At CitySandbox, you ask questions about specific places in your city and discuss them with other residents. You identify priorities, form collective opinions, and take action on goals. You can find out who else in interested in your questions and how the community as a group can address them. Through a system of voting and discussion, all community members can use CitySandbox to weigh in, make their voices heard, and build their reputations as active citizens. As groups form around issues, CitySandbox provides an easy way to communicate with other people interested in the same questions and create events which others can join to take action.

What is City Sandbox?

CitySandbox is a project of the Social App Lab at CITRIS that aims to be a tool for community members to identify, publicize, and resolve local issues. Members are encouraged to ask questions, join discussions, implement events and to vote on ongoing issues. In this way, CitySandbox hopes to provide an easy and fun way for communities to form collective opinions and actions.

Would you participate in a service like CitySandbox?

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