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Communication, Coaching and Feedback, Part 2

Welcome to Week 3! Here’s the game plan for this week:


Webinar: Tuesday, March 12th, 2013, 2pm – 3pm EST

This week, our expert was Tony John and he discussed the importance of reaching an agreement, understanding the employee perspective, knowing the supervisor / manager responsibilities, demonstrating daily involvement, as well documenting and tracking progress. The live webinar was held on March 12, 2013 at 2pm EST on Readytalk. If you had to miss the live version of the webinar, you may view a recorded version below.

To download a copy of the presentation slides, please click here.





Next, check out this week’s reading. This includes:



Go to the Week 3 Discussion where you will discuss the all-important but hard-to-measure soft skills.



Connect with your peer reflection partner to discuss two things you learned this week and how you will apply them to your job.



You can reach out to with any questions, concerns, or feedback.


Want More?

Would like to learn more about this week’s topic? We’ve got you covered. Here are some of the other resources we think you might appreciate, if you’re looking for more information.

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