5 Rules for Filing A Protest

If your company believes that the government did not comply with the terms of a solicitation or rules and regulations of an award you may be able to file a protest in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 33. If you decide to pursue the protest here are a few rules you must comply with:

  • Communicate- Sometimes a protest is not the best avenue
    and you should try and resolve your concerns with the agency or contracting
    officer prior to moving forward in a protest.
  • Debrief- Provides agency viewpoints of why you did not
    receive award. A debrief should be requested within 3 days of receipt of
    exclusion of award, you are entitled to one debrief per each proposal.
  • Interested Party- In order to file a protest you must be
    an “interested party” which means have direct activity with the solicitation or
    contract award.
  • Protest Filing- To file a protest to the agency you need to
    file before the closing of a solicitation, or within 10 days after contract
    award. To file a protest to GAO you need to file within 10 days of notification
    from the agency.
  • Timelines- You should adhere to the short timelines
    specified within the FAR in order to properly protest your concerns.

It is also recommended that you consult an attorney for protest concerns. Have you encountered a protest filing? Tell us about it.

For government contract consultation contact Procurement Source Solutions 800-267-7640

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