A chance to bring our Web 2.0 to those outside of IT

It has been a productive week for the team working on our Web 2.0 initiative. We launched our first project based SharePoint site, five departments are involved. People included in this team are the Director of Finance and the Director of Human Resources among others. We also got our Facebook page rolling. We need to work on the getting some content. Unfortunately, the guy that was setting that up was sick the last two days. It is there and we have eleven fans. Ok, that does include me but that is not bad for a start.

I posted a question in MuniGov2.0 this week about wiki’s and their use in local government. I would like to have a wiki for our Solid Waste Authority related to recycling and other green initiatives. The stumbling block is a question of what does the County do when the information it presents is not necessarily authoritative? If you have any ideas or have a good wiki tool that you like, please comment – https://www.govloop.com/group/munigov/forum/topics/wikis-and-local-government .

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