
AABPA Conference Tweets

The American Association for Budget and Program Analysis held its spring 2009 symposium today – who knew budget could be so interesting? For a window into some sessions, search Twitter using kwooleyy #aabpa. Michele Heffner, OpenGov, described the lively conversations about Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration that took place on the MAX Federal Community a few weeks ago.

This is my second attempt to use Twitter to do conference updates; tweets from the first (Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, April 3rd government sessions) can be searched using kwooleyy #w2e.

Not a Twitter user yet? Register at www.twitter.com, then scroll to search link at bottom, then past the two search terms and hit enter. Two colleagues and I have been exploring various uses of Twitter to see if there’s a value-add. So far, I must say that this beats taking notes, because it forces me to be concise and there’s no transcribing afterward.

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Melissa Merrell

Kitty – Thank you for the great thread. I have been working to bring some SM tools to AABPA and your tweets are a great demonstration of the potential value. AABPA has a govloop group…budgeteers. Please join us!

Kitty Wooley

Hi, Melissa. Cool! Um, I am flattered by the invitation but am not actually a budgeteer. I attended because Shelly McAllister invited me to be on the panel about career development. The entire day was extremely interesting, but I can’t take on anything else right now. Thanks for the feedback about the conference tweets! I have started following you on Twitter. Looking forward to meeting you sometime.