
And now the Foreign Office turns to Digg

To the casual reader of this blog it would seem that all I ever talk about is which social media bandwagon we’re jumping on to this week – Twingly here, Facebook there, twitter over there …
Now, I prefer to think of this bandwagon-hopping as ‘agile’, but there is also some method to it. The idea is simply this – if we can distribute our content (explaining policy, giving advice and information) as widely as possible, through as many popular channels as possible, then we increase the possibility that people will come across information of interest or use to them, in the digital spaces where they spend their time. We know that people simply don’t, habitually, visit government websites unless they have to, but that means they may miss out on valuable information.
So we’re building up our capacity to deliver as widely as possible across social media. It’s free and quick and means that we’re going beyond just publishing content and hoping, we’re actually trying to deliver it too.
So on to the next one – the new, invigorated Digg has a new member – the Foreign Office channel will be simply our content re-delivered for others to recommend (or, heaven forfend, not). It’s a modest start, but sign up/log in and follow us there and see how it develops and see what we’re up to and what we think you might need to know.

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