Anonymous Claims to Uncover FBI Apple Tracking Campaign, Obstacles to Drone Use, and More

Here is today;s federal cybersecurity and information technology news:

  • AntiSec, a joint Anonymous and LulzSec operation, claimed to have hacked the Federal Bureau of Investigation and posted 12 million Apple unique device identifiers, allegedly pointing to a massive FBI tracking program. More here.
  • Aside from officers patrolling the Democratic National Convention, 20 local and federal police officers will continuously monitor the 500 cameras on the event. More here.
  • A recent Defense Science Board report found that unmanned systems were not being sued optimally due to ”poor design, lack of effective coordination of research and development efforts across the military services, and operational challenges created by the urgent deployment of unmanned systems to theater without adequate resources or time to refine concepts of operations and training.” More here.
  • The General Services Administration has awarded contracts to 17 technology companies and federal contractors to offer cloud-based email services from Google, Microsoft, IBM, and the open source Zimbra to federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies nationwide. More here.
  • While federal agencies have improved their use of technology to get Freedom of Information Act information to the public, only half of the 16 agencies studied in a Government Accountability Office report managed to reduce the number of FOIA exemptions as urged by the Attorney General’s Office. More here.
  • The Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General found that despite the need for international cybersecurity cooperation, the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team does not consistently communicate with foreign counterparts. More here.
  • Chinese telecommunications vendors ZTE Corp and Huawei will take part in US congressional hearings in October regarding investigations of alleged Chinese spy threats to US telecommunications infrastructure. More here.

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