Any agencies using or in the process of using Responsive Design?

I’m curious as to if there are currently any agencies using or in the process of incorporating Responsive Design into their agency’s Digital Strategy. My agency is starting to have serious talks on this. My concerns are from the standpoint of if you have a large number of data products that you are serving, how the visualization and function of that date would be affected.

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Jeff Ribeira

Seeing your question got me curious about it as well so I did a quick search to see what I could find specifically about data heavy sites. Here’s what I was able to uncover. Hope something in here helps!

Fundamentally though, the thing with responsive design is that there is a good deal of redesigning that will need to be done to optimize the user experience for the various device types. So often, especially with sites that are more than just a blog or text and images on a page, the way the site functions will and should be re-conceptualized by a UX designer.

Lisa Wilcox


I found css-tricks earlier today when I googled responsive design and data. As you know the big push is go move everything towards mobile and with that in mind, I’m trying to research how we can do that within our framework and serving all of our data in a presentable format.

Thank you for the links!