You’d have great insight and experience I could use and hope you can assist…
I am seeking Human Resource Managers (or those working in that capacity) who are working in (or have worked in) the Government Contracting Industry (not considered Government Service [GS]) for at least five years to participate in my Ph.D. Dissertation as a way to increase their own knowledge and understanding of Human Resources. If you fit those two qualifications, or know a manager in your organization that qualifies, can I persuade you or your peer to assist?
My research study is a ground-breaking study on minimum competencies of HR Managers within the government contracting industry. The data should provide a baseline for future training curriculum for HRMs in the contracting arena. Participants can add a bullet to their resumes about being an HR SME. And the ideas and information may enlighten and educate participants within their own business field.
My incentive is to provide participants up to three hours of LinkedIn (Professional Business Social Media platform) training – how to use, sign up for, search for applicants/recruit, search for career/promotions, becoming a Subject Matter Expert, etc. online, at their convenience after they have participated in the three survey rounds.
If you are willing to participate in the survey for this study, go to:
click on SURVEY (Paper) link to download the word doc to your computer.
Complete and email to
OR you may fax to the confidential fax number at 757-416-5522.
1) You will be recognized as a HR SME when my dissertation is published (if you provide permission to use your name after the data is collected).
2) Your company/employer will have increased PR and SEO for their business offerings.
3) You will contribute valuable knowledge to research in HR and perhaps learn a few things from other SMEs on the panel who are participating in the study.
4) You will earn valuable training on how to use LinkedIn (for personal branding, job or career search efforts, recruiting, and/or business development) with a value of $200-250 in the current market; and you’ll be able to link with me (I have over 6,370 connections) to obtain valuable introductions to others if you need to touch base.
5) If you need anything in the future related to business, human resources, training, development, etc. – all you have to do is pick up the phone or send me an email. I am all about pay-back and pay-forward!
Time to complete – approximation:
Round 1 – approx. 10 minutes – tentatively to be completed by July 30th
Round 2 – approx. 5-8 minutes – tentatively to be completed by Aug. 15th
Round 3 – approx. 5 minutes – tentatively to be completed by Aug. 30th
Thanks so much in advance for reading this and for your potential participation!
Dawn D. Boyer (Ph.D./ABD); Virginia Beach, VA
Fax: (757) 416-5522
Darden College of Education, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA / /
Dawn Boyer is working on her PhD in Education – STEMPS (Science Technology Engineering Math and Professional Studies) with a Concentration on Occupational and Technology Studies – Training and Development within Human Resource (graduating in December of 2012), as well as teaching as a Doctoral Level Graduate Teaching Assistant. Ms. Boyer has 22+ years of senior management experience in HR, including 11+ years in government contracting.
- LinkedIn profile is:
She accepts all LinkedIn invites; join her 6,400+ connections!
- Twitter at:
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