Are Today’s Volatility and Uncertainty Driving You Crazy?

I just recently returned from a remarkable coaching symposium in Boston which dealt with “Coaching during VUCA Times.” We are all living increasingly in times which are characterized by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity- VUCA. The question is whether we are able to be resilient and adapt to an increasing experience of chaos, or do we become so stressed out as to lose our cool and cease to function clearly and effectively in the moment? Do five year plans still have relevance when change is so inexorable?

We had executives from four very different types of organizations present; a global information services company, a well-known biotech company, a global industrial and agricultural equipment manufacturer, and a Massachusetts healthcare organization. Each was faced with challenges of an increasingly fast-paced environment, pressures to control costs, provide better customer engagement, and grow leadership talent that could not only survive but thrive VUCA times.

Most of these organizations are seeing that they need to grow leaders who can inspire others by the way they live their values, manage stress brought on by change, stay centered under pressure and remain compassionate and empathetic. They create a palpable level of trust throughout their organizations by continually build relationships with customers and employee. They create a personal level of engagement with employees and find ways to coach people around how they manage their energy and retain balance. They address business challenges strategically and help people find realistic solutions through creativity and innovation. An essential requirement seems to be that executives and managers gain the skills necessary to function as LeaderCoaches.

Another strategy of effective leaders noted was their ability to increase collaboration and networking so more minds and perspectives could be brought to bear on dealing with emergent challenges and capitalizing on new opportunities. This ability to enroll and utilize thinking partners is critical to dealing with increasingly complex issues that no one person has the full range of expertise to address.

So I would like to know how many of you see your organization working on developing its resiliency and what approaches are most effective. Is your organization becoming VUCA resilient and growing sustainable leaders? If you would like to know more about coaching for sustainable leadership, take a few minutes to view my YouTube video at the link below.


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David Dejewski

Lee – This is a really excellent video. There is great wisdom in this. I like it so much, I’m going to make it easier for others to to see it.

I am particularly enthused by your handling of the “positional” leadership vs true leadership. I’d love to see more of this.

“I finally have a place to try out ideas, put stuff out there without fear…”

“Most leaders are being microscopically examined all the time…”

Your discussion of “Sustainable leadership” reminds me of a post I wrote a while ago about building sand castles on the beach.

This is high quality stuff. Thanks for sharing!