Bob Gourley was recently interviewed for WashingtonExec’s New Series: WashingtonExec 2012 Prediction Issue: Execs Speak Out. 2012 is fast approaching, and with it comes big changes in the Federal IT industry. WashingtonExec is giving local executives the opportunity to share their thoughts on where they see the government contracting industry headed. Leaders of the industry were asked a series of predictions questions focused on challenging issues such as cloud computing, healthcare IT, defense and so forth.
Thoughts from Bob Gourley, founder and CTO of Crucial Point, LLC. You can also check out Gourley’s personal blog here.
“The Washington DC environment for 2012 will show one thing in such high demand the federal government will pay almost any price for it. This capability is needed more than any technology. It is more important than Cloud Computing or Big Data. The capability the government will pay highly for is the ability to wisely choose how to shrink budgets. The government needs individuals and companies with proven past performance in doing more with less.
On the technology front, billions of dollars will still be spent, and we can expect legacy IT will be with us long into the future. But technology solutions that can show rapid return on investment while decreasing costs for agencies will be highly sought after.
It will be interesting to see which of today’s major integrators will adapt to this new world. Expect disruptions.”
via WashingtonExec, original interview here.
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