Brigade Weekly News, August 8, 2012

Here’s what we tagged this week:

What Data Visualization Can and Can’t Tell Us About Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law | TechPresident

Why is open civic data important? Azavea published results of analysis that suggests racial discrimination in Pennsylvania’s voter ID law, but lack of data prevents anyone from drawing firm conclusions.

Penn study says neighborhood cleanups are good for health and safety

More reasons for open, civic data: “Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine announced last year that they had found a net reduction in crime in areas around more than 4,000 vacant lots that had been “greened” compared with others that were left alone over 10 years.”

Women 2.0 » My First Hackathon: iOSDevCamp 2012

Veronica Ray is a rising senior studying public policy at Duke University. She’s also learning how to code. Win. Win. Here’s her blog about experiencing her first hackathon.

Smart Cities Should Be More Like Lean Startups

“Smart cities aspire to be efficient with taxpayer dollars and resources. Applying lean startup thinking to cities could be a useful tool to achieve increased efficiency and improve the quality of life of city residents.”

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