Looking for the Apps for the Environment contest? The correct URL is http://www.epa.gov/appsfortheenvironment . Sorry for the mistake!
We’re having a great discussion about how to help employers pick you out of a stack of resumes on a blog post I wrote a few days ago.
One of the suggestions from Andrew Krzmarzick was to headline your resume with “Top 5 Reasons Why I’ll Nail This Position.”
I wonder whether I could really boil down what I offer and cover just the highest high points. Naturally, that leads me to Twitterlike thinking.
So here’s your challenge: imagine any job you’d apply for. Describe it briefly, then sum up what you offer for that job in 140 characters or less.
Here’s mine:
Job: leading a large, complex, wide-ranging agency’s web efforts (I know, it’s a stretch!).
What I offer: Led: 9/11, Katrina, other crisis sites; EPA web governance; EPA, gov social media. Pushed: boundaries, creativity, innovation! Freq speaker.
Chief Organizer, NationBuilder, a SaaS platform for organizations. Must like the social media.
“I want NationBuilder to succeed as much as you do. ~ @adrielhampton”
Job (just making this up – not going anywhere!): Executive Director, Non-Profit
Tweet: Raised $100 million for non-profits, effective speaker, passion for connecting people to solve important problems
Free Agent, wants a team that uses big ideas to take on the big problems
Tweet: Seasoned vet from front lines of government, educates, advocates, communicates and works hard to solve the big problems, #MPA grad student
Leads organizational transformation to build leaders and optimize performance.
clarifies mission and gets team and community into it
Andy’s is the only one that mentions success, which is a must, I think (raised $ and is an *effective* speaker).
Great tweets!
Interesting point, Steve, about using words like “effective.”
Strong writer. Hard worker. Problem solver.
Jeffrey, you’re hired! 🙂
Job: Change management lead on fed enterprise software rollouts (gov side)
Tweet: MBA w/passion for all things change, 4+ yrs IT change strat exp, 9+ yrs fed proj exp seeking partner 4 serious fun/trimuphs w/IT rollout.
Don’t have a concise list of leadership victories in this field, so I’m going with an attempt at wit.