
Certifications in the Human Resources field – good, bad, your opinion?

Hi all Members of GovLoop,

I need human resource practitioners’ assistance – can you help?

I have Human Subject approval from the university and need volunteers who have PHR certifications to assist me with a survey as part of the empirical research required of me as a PhD student at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA.

If you have an interest and want to be put in a drawing for one of three “Outback Restaurant” gift certificates for $40 each, DO send me an e-mail and I’ll send you the cover letter and the survey form. The survey will only take five minutes to complete, its only one page, and has easy questions.

I appreciate any assistance in this effort!

E-mail me with your interest and I’ll send you the information:

Dawn D. Boyer, Va. Beach, VA

Dawn Boyer is a doctoral student at Old Dominion University in the Darden College of Education, working on her PhD in Occupational Studies and Technology), as well as working as a (Doctoral) Graduate Teaching Assistant teaching computer science and technology to undergraduate students.
Her LinkedIn profile is: http://www.linkedin.com/in/DawnBoyer. She accepts all LinkedIn invites via: Dawn.Boyer@me.com. Join her 4,600+ connections! Follow her on Twitter: @Dawn_Boyer. Read her blogs at http://DawnBoyer.wordpress.com.

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Nichole Henley

Good luck with the survey, Dawn! I’m an ODU alumni (Bachelor of Arts with Major in Studio Art and Minor in ARt History) and I’m in HR but I don’t have any certifications (as of yet). Just to provide you with a flip, I’m a HR specialist with the above mentioned degree so I think you could probably take your research further and wonder if a business or hr related degree is even necessary for HR work. 🙂 Good luck!!