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Cross-posted from Wired to Share

In case you missed my excessive tweets and Facebook posts over the past few days, it’s now public that I’m leaving City of San Francisco to join Jim Gilliam and Jesse Haff’s 3dna, the company behind Act.ly and NationBuilder. I will be the “chief organizer” for NationBuilder, evangelizing the tool, providing customer service, and showing campaigns, non-profits, businesses and how to integrate our platform-as-a-service offering to revitalize their organizing efforts on and offline.

I’ve been with the City of San Francisco for six years, after seven as a journalist, so in many ways this new role (I start on May 16) with a startup Internet company is my third major career transition. Change has never been something I’ve shied away from though, and I’m excited to bring a whole range of perspectives to the position: homeschooler; junior college and UC graduate; landscaper; roofer; pizza delivery man; Chickasaw; security guard; City Hall reporter; sports reporter; agate editor; copy editor; front page designer; political editor; neighborhood activist; blogger; congressional candidate; campaign volunteer; campaign strategist; social media speaker; podcast producer; TV analyst; husband; father; private investigator; and more.

No human being fits into the ways we have categorized each other and ourselves in modern society.

NationBuilder is, more than anything, a tool for helping redefine how we organize and define ourselves on a grassroots level.

I’m very excited about this latest iteration of me.


In other news, I’ve recently co-founded a new political organization to influence technology policy within the California Democratic Party. Check out SF Tech Dems. I will also continue to produce and co-host Gov 2.0 Radio; to organize civic tech meetups and events in the SF Bay Area; and to advise the SF City Attorney’s Office on social media and innovation projects, including Let’s Do It SF! and the SF Fire App initiative on a pro bono basis.

I’ve also continued to enjoy Empire Avenue, the social media exchange. If you want to check it out, here’s my invite link.

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Ari Herzog

Mazel tov on the changes in your life. I had a sense since the time you ran for Congress that you were eyeing to get out city government. Good for you.

Are you staying put in SF then, or does the new job bring a new place to live?

Adriel Hampton

Thanks, Ari. Staying in SF, but will be spending a bit more time in Tokyo as well, now that I have the ability to work there. Will also be traveling more in general.

Andrew Krzmarzick

Great to see you last week in OKC, Adriel – and absolutely convinced you’re going to crush this gig: a game-changing, election-influencer on a massive scale.