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Daily Dose: Federal Buildings May Become Smoke-Free Facilities

This past Friday, Rep. Susan Davis (D-Calif.) introduced a bill that would ban smoking within 25 feet of all federal buildings across the country. Efforts to push for smoke-free buildings began in 1997, and continued making incremental progress throughout the Clinton and Bush administrations.

“Exposure to secondhand smoke is a serious health issue that drives up health care costs for all of us,” Davis said in a statement announcing her bill. “Federal workers should be able to work in a healthy, smoke-free environment.”

The GSA also cited studies confirming the health risks of smoking around coworkers that Davis mentioned. The bill excludes congressional offices, in order to gain more support.

Do you think federal buildings should be smoke free?

Bill would ban smoking at federal buildings


“Daily Dose of the Washington Post” is a blog series created by GovLoop in partnership with The Washington Post. If you see great a story in the Post and want to ask a question around it, please send it to thedoctor@govloop.com.

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