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Data Wizards Know Hadoop is Powerful: But they want more automation

Hadoop and the many capabilities associated with it (including Hive, Pig, HBase, Zookeeper, Flume, Sqoop, Hue, Oozie and Whirr) is really the rage. Enterprises with big data challenges, researchers with massive data sets and organizations seeking to make sense over seemingly unbounded data are learning how to use those many related technologies to solve problems that were impossible to tackle in a timely fashion just a few years ago.

Although there has been excitement over the power of these many capabilities there has also been grumbling (some of which I’ve done myself). Hadoop and the stack of capabilities around it has had some good automation tools, but we have all been crying out for more.

Now enterprise users can take advantage of a new release of capabilities from Cloudera that provides automation, enhanced security and full lifecycle management for Apache Hadoop deployments. This is an exciting capability that should speed adoption of Hadoop and will likely continue to accelerate the typical path organizations are taking as they explore the right big data solution.

From experience we see organizations frequently beginning their study of Big Data solutions by doing market assessments where they learn of Hadoop, then they expose their team to core components maintained by the open source community (perhaps by downloading components themselves from Apache.org), then enterprises get serious by downloading the free CDH (Cloudera Distribution Including Apache Hadoop), and then when enterprise support is warranted they move to Cloudera Enterprise.

This new announcement by Cloudera may dramatically accelerate that path. I believe many organizations with huge data challenges will immediately see the benefit and move directly to Cloudera Enterprise. Enterprise CIOs always prefer software packages with support and their PMs always prefer packages with automation. This latest move is very positive for both.

For more on why see the press release is below:

Cloudera Unveils Industry’s First Full Lifecycle Management and Automated Security Solution for Apache Hadoop Deployments

Latest Advancements Empower Enterprises to Easily Start, Grow and Operate Their Apache Hadoop Deployments with New Management and Monitoring Tools and “One-click” Security

Palo Alto, CA – June 29, 2011 – Cloudera Inc., the leading provider of Apache Hadoop-based data management software and services, continues to drive enterprise adoption of Apache Hadoop with new software that makes it simpler than ever to run and manage Hadoop throughout the entire operational lifecycle of a system. The company today announced the immediate availability of Cloudera Enterprise 3.5, a substantial update that includes new automated service, configuration and monitoring tools and one-click security for Hadoop clusters. Cloudera Enterprise is a subscription service that includes a management suite plus production support for Apache Hadoop and the rest of the Hadoop ecosystem. Concurrently, the company also announced the launch of Cloudera SCM Express, which is based on the new Service and Configuration Manager in Cloudera Enterprise 3.5, making it fast and easy for anyone to install and configure a complete Apache Hadoop-based stack.

“As interest in Hadoop expands from early adopters to mainstream enterprise and government users, we are increasingly seeing the focus shift from development and testing to understanding potential use cases for the core distribution to the value-added tools and services that will enable and accelerate enterprise adoption,” said Matt Aslett, senior analyst at The 451 Group. “Cloudera has gained an enviable position at the center of the expanding Hadoop ecosystem, and we continue to be impressed with both its commercial product plans and engagement with the open source community.”

Cloudera Enterprise 3.5: Full Lifecycle Management of Apache Hadoop Deployments

Cloudera Enterprise 3.5, a subscription service comprised of Cloudera Support and a portfolio of software in the Cloudera Management Suite, is a major enabler for the enterprise adoption and production use of Apache Hadoop. For the first time, enterprises can manage the complete operational lifecycle of their Apache Hadoop systems because Cloudera Enterprise 3.5 facilitates deep visibility into Hadoop clusters and automates the ongoing system changes needed to maintain and improve the quality of operations.

“We have seen extensive adoption of Apache Hadoop across our client base, but the management challenges of running the Hadoop stack in production can be prohibitive,” said Matt Dailey, Hadoop applications developer for the High Performance Computing Center at SRA International, Inc. “This latest release of Cloudera’s Management Suite goes a long way to giving enterprises the confidence to operate a Hadoop system in production.”

New in Cloudera Enterprise 3.5

  • Service and Configuration Manager (SCM) radically simplifies the deployment and management of a range of Hadoop services available in Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop (CDH). Users can now easily get, install and configure Apache Hadoop in minutes from a central dashboard and continue to make configuration updates while the system is running. Developed from Cloudera’s many years of experience with enterprise Hadoop systems in production, SCM automates best practices for several Hadoop operations and includes a library of validations that prevent misconfiguration. It also automates tedious manual administrative processes to save time and reduce errors. For example, SCM automates the enablement of Hadoop security for a multi-node cluster in just one click.
  • Activity Monitor provides a deep, real-time view into Hadoop systems. The Activity Monitor is the only tool on the market today that consolidates all user activities (MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Streaming, Oozie) into a single, real-time view of what is happening across a Hadoop cluster at both a macro and micro level. With Activity Monitor, not only can administrators monitor their entire Hadoop infrastructure, they can also intervene, since it provides the granular intelligence required to enact the proper changes via SCM. Moreover, a built-in historical view of Hadoop jobs enables administrators to compare current activities to the past to gauge aspects like speed, efficiency and health of the system.
  • Enhancements to Resource Manager and Authorization Manager. Continuing its leadership in helping organizations to run multi-tenant Hadoop clusters, Cloudera has enhanced both the Resource Manager and Authorization Manager modules, enabling organizations to track historical usage of disk space, automate the administration of ACLs and better synchronize with their existing LDAP systems.

SCM Express: Deploy an Integrated Apache Hadoop Stack in Minutes

SCM Express takes the complexity out of deploying, configuring and managing a range of Apache Hadoop services available in Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH). SCM Express is available to download for free and makes it easy for anyone to start up and operate a complete Apache Hadoop cluster up to 50 nodes. The software automates installation and configuration, reducing deployment time from weeks to minutes, and provides cluster-wide, real-time views of nodes and services from a single, centralized console.

“There’s a lot of talk in the industry about making Apache Hadoop deployments easier, however Cloudera’s approach encompasses the entire lifespan of systems, not just the initial setup. Workloads shift, teams change and the types of questions you want to ask change over time. You should be able to easily manage your systems while your usage of Hadoop evolves and grows,” said Mike Olson, CEO of Cloudera. “Cloudera helps enterprises plan for the inevitable changes. This is a long-term platform—we help you get started, then operate and grow or sunset pieces of the cluster over time. With the release of Cloudera Enterprise 3.5, we are not only introducing new levels of transparency and automation, but we’re injecting best practices Cloudera has learned over many years of helping enterprise customers build and manage Apache Hadoop-based systems.”

How to Get Cloudera SCM Express and Cloudera Enterprise 3.5

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Media Contact

Hope Nicora
Bhava Communications
[email protected]

About Cloudera

Cloudera is the leading provider of Apache Hadoop-based software and services and works with customers in financial services, web, telecommunications, government and other industries. The company’s products, Cloudera Enterprise and Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop, help organizations profit from all of their information. Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop is the most comprehensive Apache Hadoop-based platform in the industry. Cloudera Enterprise is the most cost-effective way to perform large-scale data storage and analysis and includes the tools, platform and support necessary to use Hadoop in a production environment. For more on Cloudera, please visit www.cloudera.com.

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