Deckert, Stern, & Sack on Enabling Peer Review of Expert Testimony Within Government Proceedings

Mark Deckert, Abram Stern, and Professor Warren Sack, all of the University of California Santa Cruz, presented a poster entitled Enabling Peer Review of Expert Testimony Within Government Proceedings at dg.o 2010: The 11th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 17-20 May 2010 in Puebla, Mexico.

Click here for the poster.

Click here for the paper accompanying the poster.

Here is the abstract of the paper:

Having developed, a site that archives video footage of the U.S. Congressional proceedings, we build upon the platform to enable peer review of expert testimony within government proceedings. By extending Metavid coverage to the bimonthly meetings of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and leveraging open source software technologies for peer production, we demonstrate the potential for expert peers to vet or dispute technological and scientific information provided to government by offering citations and commentary in a web-based, collaborative environment.

Thanks to Mark Deckert for providing the links to the poster and paper.

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