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Deep De-Bureaucratization Case

Every single one of us who is a government employee feels the pain of government bureaucracy!

The deep disconnects that drive us crazy.

How can we reconnect the programs and technology and people and politics, etc?

How can we anticipate and influence the growth in people and our organizations’ capabilities?

These are the questions that my office and colleagues have been working on for 10 years.

After 25 cases of learning the deep aspects of leveraging science and technology to impact the organization, we have really clarified the path from a controlling Heavy Bureaucracy (fat, fads, fear, friction, and falsehood) to a Light Enterprise — where the most valuable output is Performance Leadership in all employees. Where they have the motivation, concentration, awareness, and discretion to enhance their development, the mutual development of colleagues, and the total capability of the organization.

You can read more in this great article by Computerworld Magazine.

You can also give us a call and see how our office (OSS) can share ideas from these experiences (brown bag style) and work with you to tackle the bureaucracy you face. Call 202-632-9651 (no vendors please)

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