Don’t Let Stress Steal Your Sparkle: Reclaim Your Calm This Fall

The leaves are changing, the holidays are approaching, and things are about to get a whole lot busier.  It’s easy to feel the pressure rising but remember this: You have the power to manage stress and prioritize your well-being, even amidst the chaos.

Why is managing stress so important? Because chronic stress takes a toll.  It’s linked to a whole range of health issues, from heart disease and diabetes to weakened immunity and even mental health conditions. When we’re constantly stressed, our bodies are flooded with cortisol, which can wreak havoc on our systems over time.

We often get stuck in our heads, overthinking every worry and fear.  But stress isn’t just a mental game; it’s a physical experience too.  Tune in to your body. What does stress feel like for you? Tight shoulders? A tension headache?  Difficulty sleeping?  Feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus?  These are signals for me that it’s time to take charge.

The good news is, we have control over how we manage stress. It’s a mental habit—a loop of worry and anxiety — that we can disrupt. Connecting with our bodies helps us stay with a real experience rather than an imagined one.

Here are some tips for you to take charge of your inner wellness warrior and giving stress the boot and reclaiming your calm — preferably with a festive fall-themed boot! 🎃

1. Breathe It Out: Your breath is always with you and a powerful tool. When you feel things get hectic, take a moment to pause and simply breathe. Deep, slow breaths can do wonders for calming the nervous system. Try the 4-7-8 technique: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7, and exhale slowly for 8.

2. Move Your Body: Physical activity is a fantastic stress reliever. Even a short walk around the building or a quick stretch break at your desk can make a difference. And if you can squeeze in a longer workout, even better!

3. Prioritize and Plan: Feeling overwhelmed by that ever-growing to-do list? Take time to prioritize tasks and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help you feel more in control and less stressed. Revisit some of our previous habit building blog posts for ideas.

4. Set Boundaries: It’s easy to let work bleed into our personal time, especially with the holiday season approaching. Set clear boundaries between work and home life, and make sure to schedule in time for relaxation and activities you enjoy. Explore this topic further and read “Setting Boundaries: Your Path to Balance and Fulfillment.”

5. Connect and Support: Remember, we all experience stress. You are not alone! Reach out to colleagues, friends, or family members for support. Talking things out can help you gain perspective and find solutions. And don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you need it.

6. Embrace the Season: Amidst the busyness, take time to savor the simple joys of autumn. Enjoy the crisp air, the changing leaves, and the festive spirit. Connecting with nature and appreciating the beauty around us can be incredibly grounding and restorative.

Remember: Taking care of ourselves is not a luxury; it’s essential for doing our best work and living fulfilling lives. Let’s prioritize our well-being this October and beyond.

Sally is a seasoned federal government professional with experience in strategic communication, program development, holistic coaching, and cultivating a thriving workplace environment. She is passionate about aligning organizational goals with employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Her holistic approach to leadership emphasizes the importance of both personal and professional growth within the public sector.

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