Effort to Save the CFC results in Congressional Hearing – June 26th

Congressional Hearing Scheduled for June 26.

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I’m sharing this message from America’s Charities Save the CFC coalition. The changes to the CFC proposed by OPM would eliminate one of the best leadership development opportunities in the Federal government, the loaned executive program, without a single bit of discussion by the CFC -50 commission. To see my analysis of the proposed changes, including many that are harmful to Federal public servants, please go to www.cfctreasures.wordpress.com.


Bill Huddleston, The CFC Coach

Message from America’s Charities Save the CFC coalition:

Thank you for your great support to Save the CFC. Many of you responded and submitted comments to the Federal Register and to OPM and have worked with us to connect with key members of Congress. This combined effort resulted in nearly 800 comments entered into the public record and almost 20 key visits to Congressional offices.

We are pleased to announce that your work, along with our partner federations, to Save the CFC has resulted in a Congressional Hearing scheduled for June 26, 2013.

Hearing Date: June 26, 2013
Hearing Subject: To help Congress “better understand the impact” of what OPM is proposing for the CFC
Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2154
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Duration: Approximately 60-90 minutes

We encourage you and others from your organization to attend.
A large turnout will serve as a testament to the concerns held by many nonprofit organizations. If you plan on attending the hearing, please let us know by emailing Geoff Rixon at GRixon@charities.org. Also, please allow time to go through security and locate the hearing room.

It is our understanding the hearing is informational in nature and will allow key members of Congress to become familiar with the proposed changes and the nonprofit sector’s concerns about them. The hearing is under the auspices of the Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service, and Census Subcommittee chaired by Rep. Blake Farenthold (R.,Tex.). It is a subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Witnesses are being selected by the subcommittee staff, and we are active in the process of making recommendations. We anticipate witnesses will include representatives of impacted charities, a member of the Save the CFC federation coalition, OPM, and perhaps others.

Following the hearing we will report back to you and let you know what actions to take.

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Funnell at BFunnell@charities.org or Robyn Neal at RNeal@charities.org.

Thank you for helping us keep the CFC viable!


Steve Delfin
President & CEO, America’s Charities

Copyright © 2013 America’s Charities, All rights reserved.

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