
Embedding a TwitChimp.com List On Your WordPress Blog

TwitChimp.com Will Help You Glean Knowledge From TwitterTwitChimp.com is a web application that leverages the Twitter API to provide curated lists of Twitter users. The application is still in a beta testing period but is open to any who would like to try it in this early stage of development. If you are a Twitter user, please sign up for the TwitChimp.com beta today.

We are using TwitChimp for many purposes, including providing a list of CTOvision.comauthors to follow. We have embedded this list on our site using the TwitChimp widget.

Here is how to do that:

  • Either create your own list at TwitChimp.com or find any list there that interests you. For example, Ryan Kamauff has a list at TwitChimp on Android and Android Development. Navigate to that one (or create your own).
  • The list page provides plenty of information that will help you evaluate this list. While there you can follow some of the interesting people on the list and can also suggest for others to be added to the list if you desire.
  • When you are ready to embed the list click on the button near the top of the right hand column that says “Share List”
  • You will now see the embed form. Follow the instructions to select the size of the widget you want.
  • We created a widget of the Android list that is 560 pixels wide and 600 pixels in height.

Then we pasted the code into the HTML of this post.

To put this code in a page on wordpress follow the exact same steps. To put it in a sidebar of a site paste the code in a text widget box and hit save. Be sure to select the right size so your view can see all the features.

Note that this widget connects you to all the features of TwitChimp.com You can click on a name of a list member and get stats and recent tweets. And you can follow, retweet and favorite directly from the embedded list.

TwitChimp.comis still in beta. We have many other features rolling out soon, but would appreciate your feedback on what we should focus on. Please sign up today and let us know what you think.

For more tips see our blog at http://twitchimpblog.com

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