
Embracing Mandated Innovation: A Guide for Government Leaders

How do you inspire your team to accept change and embrace innovation?

Let’s be honest. Change is hard, and nothing changes faster than government work.  In the reality of government service, we have a workforce that frequently finds itself navigating seasons of change created by mandates or political shifts. To further complicate things, the landscapes of government agencies today are often a hybrid of on-premises legacy technology systems, cloud-based solutions, and remote work.

As a team leader in this complex environment, your role involves not only managing this complexity personally but also steering your team through mandated change. Directives sometimes roll out with insufficient resources and funding. Some are easy to sell, while some require your best game face to convince the team to accept a new path. It’s a challenging task, particularly when dealing with the often-disheartening gap between legislative mandates, practical realities, and budget constraints.

Fostering a culture that adapts easily to change can significantly enhance your team’s effectiveness and morale. So, how can you inspire your team to accept necessary change and embrace enforced innovation? Here are five strategies to help you cultivate a culture that not only accepts but also thrives on navigating change.

1. Lead by Example

Ghandi said it best, “Be the change you want to see.” Change is inherently difficult, and mandated change even more so. As a leader, your attitude toward these changes will set the tone and trajectory for your organization. By investing the time to understand the hows and whys of a particular disruption, you can better navigate the implementation process and make informed decisions. Lead with resilience and adaptability. Show your team that you are not simply accepting these changes but actively engaging with them. A proactive stance will help instill a similar attitude in your team members, making them more likely to embrace new systems and processes.

2. Provide Resources

Effective upskilling and reskilling are key to successful implementation of new systems and processes and in turn will inspire innovation. Ensure that your team has access to the necessary resources — whether it’s training programs, workshops, or online courses — to build the skills required for adapting to mandated change. Investing in your team’s development not only equips them with the tools they need but also demonstrates your commitment to their growth. When your team feels supported and empowered through adequate training, they are more likely to approach new challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.

3. Foster Open Communication

Encourage open lines of communication within your team. Creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, questions, and concerns can lead to valuable insights and collaborative problem-solving. Regularly solicit feedback on the implementation of new systems and processes, and be open to making adjustments based on that input. By involving your team in the conversation about change, you foster a sense of ownership and buy-in. This will significantly enhance the adoption of new initiatives and drive innovation.

4. Embrace a Growth Mindset

Cultivate a growth mindset within your team. Encourage them to view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than obstacles. Promote the idea that innovation is a continuous journey, and that every setback or difficulty encountered is a chance to improve and adapt. By shifting the perspective from fear of failure to curiosity and resilience, you create a more dynamic and adaptable team ready to meet the demands of mandated innovation head-on.

5. Celebrate the Culture You Want to Replicate

Celebrate the wins! Creating and nurturing a culture of innovation involves more than just implementing new technologies or processes; it requires celebrating and reinforcing the behaviors and attitudes you wish to see in your team. Recognize and reward efforts that align with the innovation goals of your department. Highlight success stories where team members have successfully embraced new changes or developed creative solutions to challenges. By acknowledging and celebrating these achievements, you reinforce the value of innovation and encourage others to follow suit. This positive reinforcement helps to build a culture where innovation is not just an obligation but a shared goal.

Navigating the complexities of mandated innovation in government can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement. Through leading by example, providing essential resources, celebrating a culture of innovation, fostering open communication, and embracing a growth mindset, you can inspire your team to not only accept change but to drive it forward with enthusiasm and creativity. In doing so, you contribute to a more agile, responsive, and innovative government workforce, ready to meet the evolving needs of the public.

T’Neil Walea is the Director of Strategic Incubations for the Federal Government at Microsoft where she helps integrate artificial intelligence and quantum computing into Federal agencies. As an international speaker, leadership consultant, and technology expert, she helps the Government navigate technological advancements.

She previously worked as IBM’s Chief Technology Officer for Global Governments where she also focused on Federal artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

With a strong background in team building and technology leadership, she is passionate about helping teams develop a healthy culture and adopt cutting-edge leadership and technology strategies. She loves mentoring and helping young women find their place in STEM-driven industries.

Header image by Ross Findon at unsplash.com

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