By Bob Gourley
Evan Quinn is a Senior Principal Analyst of the Enterprise Strategy Group. He has just published a paper sponsored by MarkLogic titled “Why Enterprise NoSQL Matters” which reviews some key criteria you will want to be fluent on if you are working data issues in your enterprise.
The following is from the paper’s executive summary:
The good, old-fashioned relational database, a well-understood technology with a known list of providers for two decades, has faced disruption since the turn of the millennium, and the disruption is peaking now. The rise of cloud applications, big data analytics, mobile computing, sophisticated content and asset management solutions, and social media have pushed the once dependable relational database to the edge of, and sometimes past, its abilities.
Because it was originally architected to work with hardware from yesteryear, the older relational database may struggle to take optimal advantage of the dramatic price/performance improvements and innovations found in adjunct technologies like multi-core processors and storage. Add in previously inconceivable requirements for scalability, plus the still substantial margins enjoyed by long-standing enterprise database providers, and modern database buyers have found motivation to look for fresh alternatives.
The paper dives deep into MarkLogic, showing how MarkLogic’s database stacks up against criteria ESG articulates.
The paper is well worth a read. Download it here:
On a related note: We have scheduled Chris Biow, CTO of MarkLogic for an upcoming CTOvision PodCast interview. If you have any questions we can ask him, including questions this paper gives rise to, please let us know.

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