
Federal Eye: White House proposes 0.5 percent pay increase for federal workers

Ed O’Keefe reports the White House is planning to propose a “modest cost of living increase in federal compensation” in the 2013 budget that “would be the first pay jump for federal workers since before President Obama ordered a two-year freeze in late 2010.”

Senior administration officials said the proposal would require professional approval and differs from plans supported by GOP lawmakers and candidates that would freeze federal compensation for another year.

“A permanent pay freeze is not an acceptable policy,” one of the officials told O’Keefe.

We’ll keep you posted on updates. Read the full story here: http://wapo.st/wKJEnK

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Elliot Volkman

Especially for those living in the DC area. a .5 percent pay increase would be helpful. Rent is up, metro is up, and of course so is food and other living costs.

Terrence (Terry) Hill

I would feel like an ingrate if I complained, but this measly amount is the equivalent of a pay freeze (or cut). I’m sure that certainly member of Congress will make a big deal about this increase, so it hardly seems worth the effort. I would rather they reinstate the tax limit of $230 a month for the transit subsidy. Also, I’d rather seem them eliminate the 2% tax break so that the social security fund doesn’t have to take $100 billion out of the general fund, leaving more money for agencies.

Kathryn Troutman

I hope the increase happens. It’s time for an increase. So, to do the numbers, if a person makes $74K, they will get $3,700 raise – I think. And $308 per month and about $150 per paycheck. I still hope it happens instead of ANOTHER year of zero raise.