Call or write an email with your questions and challenges with your Federal Job Search! Internet or radio listening!
February 10, 2012 — This week on FEDtalk, host Debra Rothwill lead a roundtable discussion on federal resume writing, and federal employment “train the trainer” programs in the D.C. area.
Experts who specialize in federal job searches, will participate in the roundtable.
The panelists are:
- Kathryn Troutman, founder and president of The Resume Place and creator of the Certified Federal Job Search Trainer program
- Ronald Flowers and Frank Skinner from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
They will talk about programs that help potential federal employees find jobs, as well as the top issues from 2011 that affected federal job searches and employment, and what can be expected in 2012.
Listen here:
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Join the conversation! Call in during the show by dialing 1-877-936-9333 (toll free).
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