FEMA’s Strategic Foresight Initiative Webinar and Upcoming Events

The Strategic Foresight Initiative (SFI) is a project managed by FEMA whose goal is to engage the diverse emergency management community in a collective exploration of issues, trends, and other factors that could impact the future environment, and to support expanded strategic thinking and planning for the future. Following is information from the June 2012 newsletter and some upcoming events:

Strategic Foresight Initiative (SFI) Community Members;

As the summertime approaches, the SFI team is continuing its robust outreach effort engaging the emergency management community in 1) creating awareness around SFI and the identified 15 strategic needs, and 2) exploring how the community has been utilizing these findings to inform planning and decision making processes. We are specifically interested in identifying anecdotal information on programs or projects that you may currently be engaged in that link to the SFI strategic needs. The SFI team is also continuing to engage FEMA components in exploring how current programs and initiatives meet the strategic needs.

As we mentioned in our last newsletter, we are scheduling a Webinar/Conference Call for Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 1:00pm EST. to discuss and explore the strategic needs classified as “Essential Capabilities,” to include the following:

1. Develop emergency management capabilities to address dynamic and unprecedented shifts in local and regional population characteristics and migratory flows.
2. Practice omni-directional knowledge sharing
3. Infuse emergency management principles and life skills across the entire educational experience to empower individuals to assume more responsibility.
4. Build a shared vision for the emergency management of the future and a culture that embraces forward thinking to anticipate emerging challenges and develops appropriate plans and contingencies.
5. Leverage volunteer capabilities across all emergency management phases.

Upcoming SFI Presentations:
Tuesday, June 5 – SFI Conference Call (see details above)
Wednesday, June 6 – Emergency Management Higher Education Conference, Emmitsburg, MD
Sunday, July 15 – Natural Hazards Center, Annual Workshop, Broomfield, CO
Monday, July 23 – Building Resilience through Public Private Partnership conference, Colorado Springs, CO

SFI Website: http://www.fema.gov/about/programs/oppa/strategic_foresight_initiative.shtm

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