Fiscal year 2011 budget agreement and the survival of grants

INPUT Analyst Evan Halperin reports on the new budget and its impact on grants.

In February, INPUT reported on President Obama’s fiscal year 2012 budget proposal, specifically state and local public safety programs. Based on the FY 2012 budget proposal, approximately $7.57 billion would be set aside for grants out of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). Until about a week ago, Congress and President Obama were debating various aspects of the FY 2011 budget, seeking a compromise that would prevent a government shutdown. While funding levels for the DHS and the DOJ were not highly contested issues, the funding levels in the FY 2011 budget agreement are different, and mostly higher, than the continuing resolution (H.R. 1).

For the complete blog, go here.

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