
Fresh Eyes

I just started (2 months ago, actually) a new job in a fairly new program at the City of Toronto. I am posting this blog on our internal facebook called webbook, but I would like to share it with all of you. Your feedback would be very useful.

This is a blog about my experience as a Toronto Urban Fellow. It is also about applying a fresh set of eyes to a large and complex bureaucracy.

Fresh Eyes is a place for “reflective practice.” This is a concept developed by Donald Schön in the 1980s wherein professionals recapture their experiences, mull things over, and analyze it critically. Part of this project is to encourage the act of reflective practice among my peers.

A few of the topics covered in this blog will include:

  • The Toronto Urban Fellow (TUF) program (website to be updated soon)
  • The TUF seminars series
  • Responses to key readings through TUF or my work (e.g. academic works, public reports, articles, books)
  • Concepts of public service
  • Social innovation
  • Civic entrepreneurship
  • Interdivisional collaboration
  • Understanding the language of government
  • Toronto’s governance structure and the City’s inner workings

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