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Friday’s political law links and have a great weekend

YESTERDAY’S HOUSE HEARING NEWS. Politico. “The committee members then ordered the FEC to make public a long-undisclosed enforcement manual and penalty procedures or face a congressional subpoena.” The Hill’s report is here. “Among the documents requested from the FEC is the agency enforcement manual, as well as records detailing how the FEC calculates penalties for election law violations.” Roll Call’s story is here. “Harper told the six FEC commissioners testifying before the panel that they would have 10 business days to turn over the documents before the full panel exercises its subpoena authority to compel the commission to do so.” Hearing documents are online here, including letters from Elliot Berke, Caleb Burns, and Robert Kelner. The “featured video” posted to the Committee’s YouTube account is online here. Rep. Brady’s opening statement is online here, along with submissions from Common Cause, Democracy 21, and the Campaign Legal Center.

OCE REVISES. Roll Call. “The Office of Congressional Ethics revised its third-quarter report today to reflect amended case statistics for matters currently under its review.” OCE Quarterly Reports are online here.

ETHICS AND RICHARDSON. Story here. “The House Ethics Committee voted Thursday to launch an investigation into whether Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Calif.) improperly pressured her congressional staff to work on her 2010 reelection campaign.”

AIR PERRY. The Times. “Mr. Perry’s travels adhere to Texas ethics laws, and he is far from alone in accepting gifts of air travel. But among politicians he stands out for taking private flights for activities that are considered part of his job as governor. That is different from campaign travel or the sort of quasi-official trips for which officeholders normally use private planes, like attending a conference or giving a speech.”


CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY. Lisa Gilbert discusses corporate accountability here. “One avenue that the courts left open following the Citizens United ruling is increased disclosure and corporate accountability.”

ABRAMOFF ON “60 MINUTES.Here’s a preview from CBS.

LOBBYING DISCLOSURE ENANCEMENT ACT SUPPORTED. In this letter to the editor from Sunlight’s John Wonderlich.

SOLYNDRA SUBPOENA. The Hill. “Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted Thursday to subpoena the White House for all internal communications related to the failed solar company Solyndra.”

AZ INDEPENDENT GROUP SPENDING NOTED. Story here. “Recently formed independent organizations have poured more than $303,600 to influence Phoenix city elections, according to the latest round of campaign-finance records filed with the Phoenix City Clerk.”


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