
How I Get Ready for the Work Day

I’m often times questioned of where I find my energy and the motivation to keep pressing at my job.

Well, I guess that’s because I’m a) 26 years old and b) there’s a lot to be thankful for. I know! We’re not at Thanksgiving yet- Halloween is still 2 weeks away!

But in all seriousness if you want to get up with a great attitude just like Nichole here’s what I recommend:

1. Coffee ASAP. I’m a full time professional AND mother who just needs her caffeine badly!

2. Great support. EVERYTHING that I do is in support of my husband and child. Nothing is more motivating than to have a man (or woman!) behind you. And apparently this is a big problem for some men if the woman makes more $ or is in a position of higher authority. And of course there is my son- light of my life! The desire to give him everything he needs and more is overwhelming. Gotta love that unconditional love.

3. Goals. I know what I’m working towards and understand that the path is not always pretty. But I’m moving and moving in the direction I choose.

4. Stability. From where I was a few years ago, it is unbelievable that I am where I am now. Our bills are paid, we purchased a home, we both have 401k’s and savings and my son has a money market account, I can buy groceries, afford to go out to eat, etc. Who can complain about anything when you are able to do so much?

5. Fulfillment. I love my job. I don’t always love the last minute priorities or all the people I work for or with but I love the work I do. Dare I say I’m good at what I do? Find out what you’re good at and do it. It doesn’t seem like work then.

6. Relationships. No matter where I go in a job I always manage to build a support group of friends and mentors, unofficially. They help me to release frustration or stress over just a laugh and short conversation over coffee. This is also the reason I come in everyday- so I can say hello, gossip about the show we watched last night, describe my son’s new milestone, etc.

7. Toothpaste. You HAVE to smile! And a good smile always needs cleaning! Smiling not only uses less muscles but it has away of changing your attitude. How can you be grumpy if you’re smiling?

How do you get ready?

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Jenyfer Johnson

Looking at it from a slightly different perspective…being 49 years old, almost 27 years of federal service and my son is 21 and finishing up his culinary program but living over our garage…I can still agree with most of your list but add a few of my own.

8. My husband. Being married to my best friend is great! We also work at the same AFB so we ride to work together (which is good and bad sometimes) but saves money. We get with a kiss and a smile and that starts the day right for both of us; we are each other’s best support team.

9. Laughter. I’ve found that no matter where I’ve worked for the government, the job goes much easier and faster when you can laugh sometimes. The work isn’t always what you’re laughing over but if you can just cut loose and crack a joke, pull a joke on a coworker, tell a funny story, anything to just take a laughter break. Many of my most memorable coworkers were the ones I can remember laughing with.