How would you assemble your #gov20 dream team? Tonight on #localgovchat

This has post has been written before. But it can’t be written enough. I was having a discussion about how to structure a good communications staff. What level/grade should staff be? Does staff doing online engagement report to public affairs? How does IT fit into the picture? Those sorts of questions were being tossed around.

And while planning, strategy, setting performance measures are necessities and in government hierarchies are mandated, in my experience it all really boils down to having the right people and the right person leading.

On paper, things tend to always look great. In implementation is where the failures begin and when lessons must be learned, adjustments made and plans reconfigured, and momentum must be maintained.

Unlike the private sector, government doesn’t always get to – at least very easily – get to pick who does what? But what if you could?

So tonight, I’d like to discuss how you would assemble your #gov20 dream team. If you could assemble your team like a NFL GM does? Who is your quarterback? Do you go for the Hail Mary or grind it out yard by yard? Are you a standalone specialist unit? How would you arrange?

Join us tonight at 9 EST by following #localgovchat on Twitter. Should be fun and I promise the whole thing won’t be wrapped in the football analogy – at least not the whole time.

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