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I have learned how to fail well at times to prevent the thought or emotions of fear. You have to embrace fear and use it as a tool to motivate you to get things done. You wan to prove to FEAR that you can be FEARLESS. I thing being fearless is a state of mind and confidence.
I had a quote on my desk for quite some time: “Courage is behaving in a way that conjures up fear.”
Turns out I read it in “The Millionaire Next Door.” So facing fear has a payoff, too 😉
One of my friend’s had this poem on her blackberry messenger picture and I had to steal it. People always view fear as a form of weakness or something to be ashamed of as if they are the only ones that are ever afraid or worried. I like this poem because it reminds me that sometimes, (most times), our fear is self-imposed and that we, not the outside world, are the ones that have set the standard for ourselves to be successful. It also reminds me that using our fear as a motivator instead of as an obstacle can also be a good thing.
I welcome fear. It can be humbling, and motivating all at the same time. It is emotions like fear that can really push you to see something through to the end. It feeds your amibition and drive. You will certainly have instances where you will fail along the way. Failing is only failing if you didn’t learn anything and continue to repeat it over and over… Or maybe that is “groundhog day” 🙂 (love that movie).