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I want to be a Career Dropout

Some of us have dreams beyond our 9-5 jobs. Some of us would love to walk away from our good government jobs and start our own businesses. The daily grind of being a working dreamer can be tough. I am an IT Project manager and I really want to be a social entrepreneur. I want to change the world with the use of technology and social media. I want to work in the community daily and change the lives of the people that need help the most. I want to be a Career Dropout with a purpose and a plan that will allow me to be an innovator and a servant leader.

I try to hustle everyday and live by this motto: “Utilize the career to leverage the DREAM” – Kanika Tolver

The Career Dropout Movement: Career Dropout is a cultural movement for fearless individuals who’ve amassed dreams and passions beyond their 9-to-5 jobs. This movement is inspiring, liberating and creative, because so many people have suppressed their dreams in the name of conformity, stability, expectation, and financial gain; usually based on their pursuits of career attainment, or the need to build a solidly unyielding and fiercely competitive reputation.

If you could be a Career Dropout, what business or idea would you love to implement?

If you were able to walk away from your job and start a business what steps did you take?


Follow me on Twitter @CareerDropout

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“I am an IT project manager”…my friend did the same thing the other day: “I am a coordinator.”

Why do we make our job titles our identities? I do recognize that project manager is a bit more of an occupation than say ‘coordinator’, which is simply a level on the corporate ladder. I guess it’s a little like saying I’m a doctor, or a lawyer, or a nurse. With that said, I would like all of us to get away from describing ourselves as our job title.

Kevin Dubs

I’m a recent career dropout and I can attest to the incredibly liberating feeling. I attend events and meet with people based on my own personal interests and have amazing conversations that I never could have had in my previous position. It’s definitely not easy being an entrepreneur. You abandon your sense of security and routine for a life of major ups and downs, but it’s the most exciting and rewarding experience I’ve had so far.

Andrew Krzmarzick

Early in my career, I was in a job where I was miserable…so I quit after about 5 months. I hated to do it…but I what I hated more was the fact that I had a splitting headache by 11a every day from the stress of it.

I didn’t have another job lined up, but I reached out to my network to see if they had any work I could perform on a part-time basis. Since I was a proposal writer, it was relatively easy to find a non-profit who had an upcoming grant for me to write.

Long story short: one of the contracting gigs turned into a full-time position with a great title, which enabled me to make a huge leap into the perfect job…all within a year of making that risky decision.

Now you can’t always leap right away – I had another job where I hung in there and it took an unexpectedly positive turn – but when you’re unhappy you have to take an action that changes the circumstances, that stirs the waters, so something new can emerge.

Mie Miller

As Steve Jobs said, “Don’t settle. … Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” We can accomplish so much more in life when we feel passionate about what we do every day.

p.s. I’m not sure about the name, “Career Dropout.” One should strive to turn his/her passion into a career, I think.

Alan Raisman

I love the movement, but can we afford to be career dropouts in this economy? For those who have made the move, how did you survive the obstacles?

Darron Passlow


As someone suggested, I would not use “career dropout” – this has a negative connotation. Use your term – you have become a “social entrepreneur”. (much better). I have moved (several times) into a social entrepreneurial role (partly sponsoring myself) but you cannot do good work if you end up starving (from no income). I would suggest you find a job (say part time) that pays the bills while you follow your dream. Even if you have to work 9-5, there are still 16 hours left in the day (+weekends) to follow your dream – or at least build it.I am currently following this model and as you can see (or perhaps you cannot) – I am posting this comment at 9pm Sunday evening Sydney time, and am enjoying myself in the process. Social media allows us to follow our dreamers (any time of the night and day). Be a dreamer and follow your dreams, you will be happier, healthier and live a longer, more fulfilling life. If I can help, let me know.


Kanika Tolver

Company Overview: Career Dropout was created by innovator and business ownerKanika R. Tolver (CEO of AMADI, LLC) on November 14, 2010. Career Dropout is an online cultural experience that sheds light on the uninhibited desires of the working adult. It will provide resourceful information on how to better utilize your finances, fulfill your destiny, obtain your inner peace, and make your dreams come to fruition.

Mission: Our mission is to inspire people to embrace freedom and quality of life, while both discovering and uncovering their unrelenting passions and unveiled dreams; to focus their energies beyond the fixation of working a 9-to-5 job for the next 35 years.

Description: Millions of people, all over the world, never get the chance to pursue their dreams, because of fear or the lack of determination. Consequently, they are understandably unhappy and would prefer to live a stress-free life doing what they enjoy. Kanika Tolver will share her personal Career Dropout journey as she follows her dreams and develops various types of business empires.


I love how you branded it. Going with something more politically correct erodes the power of it. And of course, the whole point is – it’s about you! You are not trying to get a job, you are trying to get out of one! I love that about it. I’m going to keep watching.

Zahra Z. Hashmi

Woderful subject. Indeed we ignor and forget our dream(s) on doing what we are truly passionate about it — having our own business, being an entreprneur. All because of fear of unknown on how it will turn out. Leaving all the safey and stability is scarey specially if you are only one person to take it all. I agree with Darron Passlow but still asking if that part time job will pay for all. I live and breath to have my own business but I am terrified to go out there and do it. I admire you and will do all due diligence and whateve it take to learn more and go out there and do it.

Kanika Tolver

Thank you Zahra and Briansternncy, Career Dropout movement is for dreamers and business owners. It is for people that want to puruse their passions beyond their 9-5 jobs. If you are okay with working at a job for the next 40 years that is your objective, but I don’t think everyone in the world is happy with their current career status.

Kenyatta Hawkins

I love the movement and everything it stands for! So often many of us fall victim of our circumstance and are forced to stay at a place of employment for financial gain. Thanks for the motivation. Continue laying one brick at a time 😉