Initial Enthusiasm and Job Satisfaction

Abstract:The inverse relationship between time on the job and level of satisfaction is driven by the context of organizational decision making. Although Happiness is an inside job to be sure, there are things that can be done to improve organizational bonding and effectiveness.

The importance and methods are known.

1) Recognize that the workplace is probably were we spend much of our lives. We spend more time at work than we do sleeping or spending time with loved ones. We would think that workplace bonding would be top priority. Especially since brain science shows positively bonded employees have higher IQs and EQs since confrontation and fear put the human species into a fight or fight mode resulting in low IQ.

2) The context of the workplace is largely a function of decision making. Positive environments have A) clear elevating goals B) principled leadership C) collaborative environment D) adequate resources E) external support F) open communications G) opportunities for skill building.

The fact that we know the importance of the workplace and the steps to improve the operational context begs the question of why is their so little change to the decision making context of the American office place.

SOLUTION: Brain science finds that humans are social creatures that can actually find positive stimulation in work. The brain makes decisions first by associating feelings with memory that affect personal aspirations and beliefs. The majority of workers seek personal success based on work that aligns aspirations and beliefs with organizational goals.

To achieve this the organization would likely need to have what was called a learning organization best described by Peter Senge of MIT.

The US Military applies this type of organization when training SEAL teams, rangers, special forces and other high functioning team driven units. As General Patton famously said, “Tell people what to do not how and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”

Rare and often not crafty enough to rise to the Management Team level, collaborative types are easy targets for psychopathic (Hare) bureaucratic politicos rewarded by the top down regimental style of the 19th Century business mind. Collaborative management is the future whether it is an American future or not.

About the Author: Thad Cummins is a military veteran, business owner and scholar of organizational effectiveness. As a member of Generation X he was among the first generation to grow up with computers. His primary interest is the steady decline in US GDP since the Reagan Revolution. He works for a think tank in Colorado.

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