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Ipswitch Network Management Makes Strides with Government Sales and Pipeline Development

On July 28, Ipswitch’s Network Management Division announced its earnings for the first half of 2010. Given the lousy economy, one thing came as a surprise: North American government sales had already exceeded its combined 2009 revenue.

Ennio Carboni, president, Ipswitch Network Management Division, expressed his faith in the WhatsUp Gold and WhatUp Event Log Management suite of IT management software, “Unlike our competitors, we are showing no signs of a decrease in government purchasing, as evidenced by our record-breaking first half of 2010 and our growing funnel of government proposals and opportunities.”

With a new Director of Government Sales, Tom D’Errico, and an aggressive go-to-market strategy, WhatsUp Gold was able to succeed in this sector. As part of this strategy, communications focused on reducing network downtime; managing network configurations, ensuring compliance through log management; and an affordable licensing model that improved overall staff efficiency.

This targeted strategy paid off as Whatsup Gold Network Management and Whatsup Event Log Management solutions were both awarded the Certificate of Networthiness (CoN) by the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command. In addition WhatsUp Gold 14 Premium was approved as a member of the U.S. Department of Navy’s Application and Database Management System (DADMS) list.

Deals were closed across government organizations in the U.S. and Canada including both countries’ defense departments, every branch of the U.S. military, the Executive Office of the President of the United States, the Federal Reserve, and multiple state and local governments.

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