It’s time for (top-level, serious, intentional, formal) web governance

Anyone who knows me knows how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut or not add my own perspective to, well, anything.

But this blog post from Candi Harrison, HUD’s former web manager, is so perfect I have nothing to add.

If you want to know how the web should be run across the federal gov’t, here’s the answer.

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Gabriela Dow

I could not agree more of how critical it is for the leadership at any agency to be in tune with the power their web presence entails — they would pay attention if 200 people showed up to their office or council meeting yet sometimes do not see the same value to the hits their sites receive daily. The most successful e-Gov projects we have been a part of have been driven by the top leadership and have had an IT Director on board that is at the table during policy-level discussions because top officials at these agencies understand that technology will be a part of achieving their policy objectives.

Thanks for sharing – great commentary.. Gabriela

John Sonic

I agree that “Citizens” are the primary audience for most government website. They should not understand the bureaucratics organizational structure of a government, the science behind data and the process procedures in order to find information.