
January 14 Research and Best Practices eNewsletter


Taking Social Media from Talk to Action (2010) – Harvard Business Review study of 2,100 companies finds organizations that understand the value of social media and use analytics: are twice as likely to view their use of social media as effective; can more quickly respond to customer trends and issues; and, have a better understanding of perceptions about their business.

Harnessing data for inclusion (12/16/2010) – Five technologies that will matter most to government in 2020: mobile broadband; smart personal devices, whether they’re dirt-cheap phones or tablets; government-sponsored cloud computing; open-source public databases.

The networked enterprise (12/2010) – McKinsey research suggests that fully networked enterprises are more agile and learn faster. Report provides quantitative support to shore up the business case for integrating Web 2.0 into the organization’s activities.


GSA launches Howto.gov (12/12/2011) – HowTo.gov is a resource for government workers to find and share guidance, best practices, new ideas, common challenges, lessons learned, and successes – all toward the goal of improving customer service across the federal government. http://www.howto.gov/

Wikipedia, past and Present (01/13/2010) – PEW survey finds 79% of adults are online and 42% of Americans turn to Wikipedia for information. Education level continues to be the strongest predictor of Wikipedia use. http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2011/Wikipedia.aspx

GA counties consolidate 30 websites (01/12/2011) – Athens-Clarke County combined 30 different department websites into one sleek new site. The new site provides multiple pathways to information so users don’t have to understand the government’s organizational structure. http://flagpole.com/Weekly/CityDope/CityDope-29Dec10

UK announces Public Data Corporation (01/12/2011) – Public Data Corporation will bring together government bodies and data into one organization. Organization will provide a consistent approach towards access to and accessibility of public sector information driving innovation. http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/news/public-data-corporation-free-public-data-and-drive-innovation

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