I’ve always wanted to know what is going in the area. My area. My zip code. And the zip codes around me. Sometimes I care what is happening a mile away. Sometimes I care what is happening 50 miles away. I’d like an easy way to switch between the two worlds without a lot of work.
Hence my latest project OKayByMe.com . This is an experiment to see if we can easily map news and information to the area that people are immediately in. If you are at home you want news in your home area. If you are at work you want the news from that area. It would nice to switch views easily for that too.
Not sure where this is going. But I know other people want this same information also. Visit the site and let us know what you think.
P.S. I forgot to add that we are also rolling this out for the New York area. If you’d like to manage the site for your city or state please contact us. We’d love your feedback and participation.